Barclays Premier League 2015/2016 Fixture List

The fixture list for the 2015/16 Barclays Premier League season has been released.

8 August 2015

AFC Bournemouth v Aston Villa #BOUAVL
Arsenal v West Ham United #ARSWHU
Chelsea v Swansea City #CHESWA
Everton v Watford #EVEWAT
Leicester City v Sunderland #LEISUN
Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur #MUNTOT
Newcastle United v Southampton #NEWSOU
Norwich City v Crystal Palace #NORCRY
Stoke City v Liverpool #STKLIV
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City #WBAMCI

15 August 2015

Aston Villa v Manchester United #AVLMUN
Crystal Palace v Arsenal #CRYARS
Liverpool v AFC Bournemouth #LIVBOU
Manchester City v Chelsea #MCICHE
Southampton v Everton #SOUEVE
Sunderland v Norwich City #SUNNOR
Swansea City v Newcastle United #SWANEW
Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City #TOTSTK
Watford v West Bromwich Albion #WATWBA
West Ham United v Leicester City #WHULEI


22 August 2015

Arsenal v Liverpool #ARSLIV
Crystal Palace v Aston Villa #CRYAVL
Everton v Manchester City #EVEMCI
Leicester City v Tottenham Hotspur #LEITOT
Manchester United v Newcastle United #MUNNEW
Norwich City v Stoke City #NORSTK
Sunderland v Swansea City #SUNSWA
Watford v Southampton #WATSOU
West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea #WBACHE
West Ham United v AFC Bournemouth #WHUBOU


29 August 2015

AFC Bournemouth v Leicester City #BOULEI
Aston Villa v Sunderland #AVLSUN
Chelsea v Crystal Palace #CHECRY
Liverpool v West Ham United #LIVWHU
Manchester City v Watford #MCIWAT
Newcastle United v Arsenal #NEWARS
Southampton v Norwich City #SOUNOR
Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion #STKWBA
Swansea City v Manchester United #SWAMUN
Tottenham Hotspur v Everton #TOTEVE


12 September 2015
Arsenal v Stoke City #ARSSTK
Crystal Palace v Manchester City #CRYMCI
Everton v Chelsea #EVECHE
Leicester City v Aston Villa #LEIAVL
Manchester United v Liverpool #MUNLIV
Norwich City v AFC Bournemouth #NORBOU
Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur #SUNTOT
Watford v Swansea City #WATSWA
West Bromwich Albion v Southampton #WBASOU
West Ham United v Newcastle United #WHUNEW


19 September 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Sunderland #BOUSUN
Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion #AVLWBA
Chelsea v Arsenal #CHEARS
Liverpool v Norwich City #LIVNOR
Manchester City v West Ham United #MCIWHU
Newcastle United v Watford #NEWWAT
Southampton v Manchester United #SOUMUN
Stoke City v Leicester City #STKLEI
Swansea City v Everton #SWAEVE
Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace #TOTCRY


26 September 2015
Leicester City v Arsenal #LEIARS
Liverpool v Aston Villa #LIVAVL
Manchester United v Sunderland #MUNSUN
Newcastle United v Chelsea #NEWCHE
Southampton v Swansea City #SOUSWA
Stoke City v AFC Bournemouth #STKBOU
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City #TOTMCI
Watford v Crystal Palace #WATCRY
West Bromwich Albion v Everton #WBAEVE
West Ham United v Norwich City #WHUNOR


3 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Watford #BOUWAT
Arsenal v Manchester United #ARSMUN
Aston Villa v Stoke City #AVLSTK
Chelsea v Southampton #CHESOU
Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion #CRYWBA
Everton v Liverpool #EVELIV
Manchester City v Newcastle United #MCINEW
Norwich City v Leicester City #NORLEI
Sunderland v West Ham United #SUNWHU
Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur #SWATOT


17 October 2015
Chelsea v Aston Villa #CHEAVL
Crystal Palace v West Ham United #CRYWHU
Everton v Manchester United #EVEMUN
Manchester City v AFC Bournemouth #MCIBOU
Newcastle United v Norwich City #NEWNOR
Southampton v Leicester City #SOULEI
Swansea City v Stoke City #SWASTK
Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool #TOTLIV
Watford v Arsenal #WATARS
West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland #WBASUN


24 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Tottenham Hotspur #BOUTOT
Arsenal v Everton #ARSEVE
Aston Villa v Swansea City #AVLSWA
Leicester City v Crystal Palace #LEICRY
Liverpool v Southampton #LIVSOU
Manchester United v Manchester City #MUNMCI
Norwich City v West Bromwich Albion #NORWBA
Stoke City v Watford #STKWAT
Sunderland v Newcastle United #SUNNEW
West Ham United v Chelsea #WHUCHE


31 October 2015
Chelsea v Liverpool #CHELIV
Crystal Palace v Manchester United #CRYMUN
Everton v Sunderland #EVESUN
Manchester City v Norwich City #MCINOR
Newcastle United v Stoke City #NEWSTK
Southampton v AFC Bournemouth #SOUBOU
Swansea City v Arsenal #SWAARS
Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa #TOTAVL
Watford v West Ham United #WATWHU
West Bromwich Albion v Leicester City #WBALEI


7 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Newcastle United #BOUNEW
Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur #ARSTOT
Aston Villa v Manchester City #AVLMCI
Leicester City v Watford #LEIWAT
Liverpool v Crystal Palace #LIVCRY
Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion #MUNWBA
Norwich City v Swansea City #NORSWA
Stoke City v Chelsea #STKCHE
Sunderland v Southampton #SUNSOU
West Ham United v Everton #WHUEVE


21 November 2015
Chelsea v Norwich City #CHENOR
Crystal Palace v Sunderland #CRYSUN
Everton v Aston Villa #EVEAVL
Manchester City v Liverpool #MCILIV
Newcastle United v Leicester City #NEWLEI
Southampton v Stoke City #SOUSTK
Swansea City v AFC Bournemouth #SWABOU
Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United #TOTWHU
Watford v Manchester United #WATMUN
West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal #WBAARS


28 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Everton #BOUEVE
Aston Villa v Watford #AVLWAT
Crystal Palace v Newcastle United #CRYNEW
Leicester City v Manchester United #LEIMUN
Liverpool v Swansea City #LIVSWA
Manchester City v Southampton #MCISOU
Norwich City v Arsenal #NORARS
Sunderland v Stoke City #SUNSTK
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea #TOTCHE
West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion #WHUWBA


5 December 2015
Arsenal v Sunderland #ARSSUN
Chelsea v AFC Bournemouth #CHEBOU
Everton v Crystal Palace #EVECRY
Manchester United v West Ham United #MUNWHU
Newcastle United v Liverpool #NEWLIV
Southampton v Aston Villa #SOUAVL
Stoke City v Manchester City #STKMCI
Swansea City v Leicester City #SWALEI
Watford v Norwich City #WATNOR
West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur #WBATOT


12 December 2015

AFC Bournemouth v Manchester United #BOUMUN
Aston Villa v Arsenal #AVLARS
Crystal Palace v Southampton #CRYSOU
Leicester City v Chelsea #LEICHE
Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion #LIVWBA
Manchester City v Swansea City #MCISWA
Norwich City v Everton #NOREVE
Sunderland v Watford #SUNWAT
Tottenham Hotspur v Newcastle United #TOTNEW
West Ham United v Stoke City #WHUSTK


19 December 2015
Arsenal v Manchester City #ARSMCI
Chelsea v Sunderland #CHESUN
Everton v Leicester City #EVELEI
Manchester United v Norwich City #MUNNOR
Newcastle United v Aston Villa #NEWAVL
Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur #SOUTOT
Stoke City v Crystal Palace #STKCRY
Swansea City v West Ham United #SWAWHU
Watford v Liverpool #WATLIV
West Bromwich Albion v AFC Bournemouth #WBABOU


26 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Crystal Palace #BOUCRY
Aston Villa v West Ham United #AVLWHU
Chelsea v Watford #CHEWAT
Liverpool v Leicester City #LIVLEI
Manchester City v Sunderland #MCISUN
Newcastle United v Everton #NEWEVE
Southampton v Arsenal #SOUARS
Stoke City v Manchester United #STKMUN
Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion #SWAWBA
Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City #TOTNOR


28 December 2015
Arsenal v AFC Bournemouth #ARSBOU
Crystal Palace v Swansea City #CRYSWA
Everton v Stoke City #EVESTK
Leicester City v Manchester City #LEIMCI
Manchester United v Chelsea #MUNCHE
Norwich City v Aston Villa #NORAVL
Sunderland v Liverpool #SUNLIV
Watford v Tottenham Hotspur #WATTOT
West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United #WBANEW
West Ham United v Southampton #WHUSOU


2 January 2016
Arsenal v Newcastle United #ARSNEW
Crystal Palace v Chelsea #CRYCHE
Everton v Tottenham Hotspur #EVETOT
Leicester City v AFC Bournemouth #LEIBOU
Manchester United v Swansea City #MUNSWA
Norwich City v Southampton #NORSOU
Sunderland v Aston Villa #SUNAVL
Watford v Manchester City #WATMCI
West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City #WBASTK
West Ham United v Liverpool #WHULIV


12 January 2016  
AFC Bournemouth v West Ham United #BOUWHU
Aston Villa v Crystal Palace #AVLCRY
Liverpool v Arsenal #LIVARS
Swansea City v Sunderland #SWASUN


13 January 2016  
Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion #CHEWBA
Manchester City v Everton #MCIEVE
Newcastle United v Manchester United #NEWMUN
Southampton v Watford #SOUWAT
Stoke City v Norwich City #STKNOR
Tottenham Hotspur v Leicester City #TOTLEI


16 January 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Norwich City #BOUNOR
Aston Villa v Leicester City #AVLLEI
Chelsea v Everton #CHEEVE
Liverpool v Manchester United #LIVMUN
Manchester City v Crystal Palace #MCICRY
Newcastle United v West Ham United #NEWWHU
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion #SOUWBA
Stoke City v Arsenal #STKARS
Swansea City v Watford #SWAWAT
Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland #TOTSUN


23 January 2016
Arsenal v Chelsea #ARSCHE
Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur #CRYTOT
Everton v Swansea City #EVESWA
Leicester City v Stoke City #LEISTK
Manchester United v Southampton #MUNSOU
Norwich City v Liverpool #NORLIV
Sunderland v AFC Bournemouth #SUNBOU
Watford v Newcastle United #WATNEW
West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa #WBAAVL
West Ham United v Manchester City #WHUMCI


2 February 2016
Arsenal v Southampton #ARSSOU
Crystal Palace v AFC Bournemouth #CRYBOU
Leicester City v Liverpool #LEILIV
Manchester United v Stoke City #MUNSTK
Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur #NORTOT
Sunderland v Manchester City #SUNMCI
Watford v Chelsea #WATCHE
West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City #WBASWA
West Ham United v Aston Villa #WHUAVL


3 February 2016
Everton v Newcastle United #EVENEW


6 February 2016

AFC Bournemouth v Arsenal #BOUARS
Aston Villa v Norwich City #AVLNOR
Chelsea v Manchester United #CHEMUN
Liverpool v Sunderland #LIVSUN
Manchester City v Leicester City #MCILEI
Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion #NEWWBA
Southampton v West Ham United #SOUWHU
Stoke City v Everton #STKEVE
Swansea City v Crystal Palace #SWACRY
Tottenham Hotspur v Watford #TOTWAT


13 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Stoke City #BOUSTK
Arsenal v Leicester City #ARSLEI
Aston Villa v Liverpool #AVLLIV
Chelsea v Newcastle United #CHENEW
Crystal Palace v Watford #CRYWAT
Everton v West Bromwich Albion #EVEWBA
Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur #MCITOT
Norwich City v West Ham United #NORWHU
Sunderland v Manchester United #SUNMUN
Swansea City v Southampton #SWASOU


27 February 2016
Leicester City v Norwich City #LEINOR
Liverpool v Everton #LIVEVE
Manchester United v Arsenal #MUNARS
Newcastle United v Manchester City #NEWMCI
Southampton v Chelsea #SOUCHE
Stoke City v Aston Villa #STKAVL
Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City #TOTSWA
Watford v AFC Bournemouth #WATBOU
West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace #WBACRY
West Ham United v Sunderland #WHUSUN


1 March 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Southampton #BOUSOU
Arsenal v Swansea City #ARSSWA
Aston Villa v Everton #AVLEVE
Leicester City v West Bromwich Albion #LEIWBA
Liverpool v Manchester City #LIVMCI
Manchester United v Watford #MUNWAT
Norwich City v Chelsea #NORCHE
Sunderland v Crystal Palace #SUNCRY
West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur #WHUTOT


2 March 2016

Stoke City v Newcastle United #STKNEW


5 March 2016
Chelsea v Stoke City #CHESTK
Crystal Palace v Liverpool #CRYLIV
Everton v West Ham United #EVEWHU
Manchester City v Aston Villa #MCIAVL
Newcastle United v AFC Bournemouth #NEWBOU
Southampton v Sunderland #SOUSUN
Swansea City v Norwich City #SWANOR
Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal #TOTARS
Watford v Leicester City #WATLEI
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United #WBAMUN


12 March 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Swansea City #BOUSWA
Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion #ARSWBA
Aston Villa v Tottenham Hotspur #AVLTOT
Leicester City v Newcastle United #LEINEW
Liverpool v Chelsea #LIVCHE
Manchester United v Crystal Palace #MUNCRY
Norwich City v Manchester City #NORMCI
Stoke City v Southampton #STKSOU
Sunderland v Everton #SUNEVE
West Ham United v Watford #WHUWAT


19 March 2016
Chelsea v West Ham United #CHEWHU
Crystal Palace v Leicester City #CRYLEI
Everton v Arsenal #EVEARS
Manchester City v Manchester United #MCIMUN
Newcastle United v Sunderland #NEWSUN
Southampton v Liverpool #SOULIV
Swansea City v Aston Villa #SWAAVL
Tottenham Hotspur v AFC Bournemouth #TOTBOU
Watford v Stoke City #WATSTK
West Bromwich Albion v Norwich City #WBANOR


2 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Manchester City #BOUMCI
Arsenal v Watford #ARSWAT
Aston Villa v Chelsea #AVLCHE
Leicester City v Southampton #LEISOU
Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur #LIVTOT
Manchester United v Everton #MUNEVE
Norwich City v Newcastle United #NORNEW
Stoke City v Swansea City #STKSWA
Sunderland v West Bromwich Albion #SUNWBA
West Ham United v Crystal Palace #WHUCRY


9 April 2016
Aston Villa v AFC Bournemouth #AVLBOU
Crystal Palace v Norwich City #CRYNOR
Liverpool v Stoke City #LIVSTK
Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion #MCIWBA
Southampton v Newcastle United #SOUNEW
Sunderland v Leicester City #SUNLEI
Swansea City v Chelsea #SWACHE
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United #TOTMUN
Watford v Everton #WATEVE
West Ham United v Arsenal #WHUARS


16 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Liverpool #BOULIV
Arsenal v Crystal Palace #ARSCRY
Chelsea v Manchester City #CHEMCI
Everton v Southampton #EVESOU
Leicester City v West Ham United #LEIWHU
Manchester United v Aston Villa #MUNAVL
Newcastle United v Swansea City #NEWSWA
Norwich City v Sunderland #NORSUN
Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur #STKTOT
West Bromwich Albion v Watford #WBAWAT


23 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Chelsea #BOUCHE
Aston Villa v Southampton #AVLSOU
Crystal Palace v Everton #CRYEVE
Leicester City v Swansea City #LEISWA
Liverpool v Newcastle United #LIVNEW
Manchester City v Stoke City #MCISTK
Norwich City v Watford #NORWAT
Sunderland v Arsenal #SUNARS
Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion #TOTWBA
West Ham United v Manchester United #WHUMUN


30 April 2016
Arsenal v Norwich City #ARSNOR
Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur #CHETOT
Everton v AFC Bournemouth #EVEBOU
Manchester United v Leicester City #MUNLEI
Newcastle United v Crystal Palace #NEWCRY
Southampton v Manchester City #SOUMCI
Stoke City v Sunderland #STKSUN
Swansea City v Liverpool #SWALIV
Watford v Aston Villa #WATAVL
West Bromwich Albion v West Ham United #WBAWHU


7 May 2016
AFC Bournemouth v West Bromwich Albion #BOUWBA
Aston Villa v Newcastle United #AVLNEW
Crystal Palace v Stoke City #CRYSTK
Leicester City v Everton #LEIEVE
Liverpool v Watford #LIVWAT
Manchester City v Arsenal #MCIARS
Norwich City v Manchester United #NORMUN
Sunderland v Chelsea #SUNCHE
Tottenham Hotspur v Southampton #TOTSOU
West Ham United v Swansea City #WHUSWA


15 May 2016 

Arsenal v Aston Villa #ARSAVL
Chelsea v Leicester City #CHELEI
Everton v Norwich City #EVENOR
Manchester United v AFC Bournemouth #MUNBOU
Newcastle United v Tottenham Hotspur #NEWTOT
Southampton v Crystal Palace #SOUCRY
Stoke City v West Ham United #STKWHU
Swansea City v Manchester City #SWAMCI
Watford v Sunderland #WATSUN
West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool #WBALIV

